Friday, August 20, 2010

Sleep All Day

After seeing Julie's bed in the AG catalog for the first time, my daughter and I were in complete awe.  That bed is just plain fun.  Prior to seeing it, we were using the box Julie came in as a bed.  My daughter and her friend made a cute pillow and blanket for the dolls out of fleece and voila! instant Julie bed. If you haven't made a no sew blanket yet, you really should try it.  There are tutorials for this online, so I won't bore you with the details here.  You can watch a whole video on how to do it on YouTube, just scale it for your doll.  1/4 yard of fabric is plenty.
This brings me back to the bed.  One day I was strolling through the clearance section at Hobby Lobby and stumbled across a metal plant shelf for 85% off.  It looked just Julie's size, so we were inspired to make it into a bed for her.  My Mom was in town, we had a fun time in Hobby Lobby finding supplies to make this bed extra special.  We chose quilted fabric for the mattress and used rectangular foam for the easy.  We then added beads and flowers for fun.  I made a few fun and funky pillows for the bed when Julie isn't using it so it can convert to a day bed, or couch for Julie.  We are so happy with the results. 
One of the things that is so fun about these dolls is the out-of-the-box the case of this bed the pun was intended.  :)

For more detailed instructions, see our YouTube video here:

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